B.Sc Bodan Velkovski

B.Sc Bodan Velkovski

Bodan Velkovski was born in Skopje, Macedonia in 1994 and is a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies. He is currently on master studies Metrology and quality management and has finished his bachelor studies of the study program Power Engineering, Automation and Renewable Energy Sources. He is a laboratory teaching assistant at the faculty and actively takes part in other faculty projects, including EL-KA (electric karting vehicle) and was a board member during the organization of SKEEOR 2015 (Third student conference “Energy efficiency and sustainable development”) and as of late is involved in the activities of DTK Smart-tech. He has done multiple internships at EVN Macedonia and at Solimpeks, Turkey about quality control of photovoltaic panel production. He is an author of papers published at science conferences, including the 9th MAKO CIGRE conference, Infoteh Jahorina 2016 and SKEEOR 2015. He is also a member of MAKO CIGRE, the IEEE Republic of Macedonia student section and president of SKEEOR Skopje.